Find your cookie tribe

It’s safe to say the Aussie cookie industry has gone crazy the last 12 months, it seems like every Sarah, Sam & Sally is now creating cookies & selling their wares on the likes of Facebook marketplace or Instagram. While another cookie artist might pop up in your neck of the woods, instead of feeling intimidated or disheartened, I employ you to reach out to them. Say hi! Ask if they need anything.

Making friends with others in the same industry is easily one of the best decisions I have made in the last 4 years since starting my cookie journey. Knowing they are more than likely experiencing the same issues/ struggles/ triumphs & excitement as me is really cool.

Running a small business can be really tough, not having the support or someone else to ask questions (even if you already know the answer), no one to share your lunch break with, and no one to give you the hype girl moments we all need from time to time.

This is why I believe it’s vital for each and every one of us to build our own cookie tribe. Our cookie community. The 5-6 others who you can DM at 1am asking them a question because you know they are going to be elbow deep in fondant at the same time as you.

Lean on each other, learn from each other, and support each other. Because, at the end of the day - we all know there’s more than enough people in this world that want to order cookies, and we can’t keep up as it is! 😜

So a big shout out to my special cookie sisters (and brother) - you know who you are. You’re my OG’s. And I bloody love you for it. Xx

The Best damn fondant you’ll ever eat.

Wondering what the secret is to the tastiest sugar cookies around?

queen fondant

More often than not people say, ‘those cookies were the best i have EVER tasted!!’

and well, as much as i would love to take all the credit for them, that would just be wrong. So, I thought I would share a little close knit secret with you..

Sssshhhhh, don’t tell anyone… but i actually use store bought fondant. This is purely because the taste of it is so damn good. i mean it has to be a sin for it to taste that good.!!

I have tried multiple different brands, heck i’ve even tried making my own (to no avail), and i just cant say no to this stuff. It simply is the best- for quality and taste.

So… what brand is it you ask?…

Queen! - fitting isn’t it? I order it directly from Queen, and get it delivered in large quantities- these boxes are heavy by the way! But completely worth the arm work out from the front door to the kitchen. Queen Ready to roll icing is non stick, bright white, easy to soften and leaves a flawless finish.

You can buy it from Woolworths in two sizes, or if you are going to get serious, contact them direct for a wholesale order. Trust me, its the ducks nuts of fondant!

Next post, i might even share with you my cookie recipe.. - might! ;)

Kelsie, xx

Having your cake and eating it too!

I know i know, there is always a small seed in the back of your mind that is telling you ‘you can’t do that, or ‘you’re not good enough for this’! and let me tell you- we have all been there.. we all have that little voice in your head telling you you aren’t good enough, but screw it! If there is one thing i have learnt from starting my little biz- it’s that if you do a great job, there will always be someone out there who will want what you have made. Even if you don't believe in yourself- chances are someone out there does.